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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Guest Feature: Thrifitng with Inez!

Happy hump day!!! I am super excited to share this post with you because it's about my all time favorite past time, THRIFTING!! Many times I've shown my latest finds on my blog, or I've talked about my tips on thrifitng. Well today, I am added a different spin on things. I am SO pleased to have blogger Inez from, Style Chic 360, share a video with you all. She's going to answer a few basic thrifting questions/tips, and then show you some of her favorite thrifted goodies. She, like me, is an avid thritfer and to collaborate like this really makes me happy. Whenever I can connect with another blogger who LOVES thriting as much as I do, it makes my hear smile! Not to mention how easy it is to work with someone as nice as Inez...that makes it things even better!

I hope you enjoy the video, and I hope this post can influence some of you all to start thrifting. Or if you already do thrift, I hope to encourage you to continue to find unique items to add to your wardrobe(s).

Be sure to follow Inez over on her blog. Her social media connections will be below the video. Be blessed and enjoy your day!

Keep up with Inez


  1. AWE you are two sweet!!!!

    Thanks for the love and this was so much fun!!! <3

    1. :-) i agree; this was fun! i love the idea of a video feature!

  2. This was a great video ladies! You both are doing nothing but enabling me...ugh! LOL. I am on a spending and thrifting diet until next month and now I am ready to go NOW!


  3. I dont button my blazers ever in life either. LOL

  4. I love thrifting, it's definitely good to keep a list of those things you want to be on the look out for, even if it's just a specific color or shape.
    Chic on the Cheap

  5. You found some great finds. I wish I was in Detroit to stop by and go thrifting with you lol. I never have as much luck here in San Antonio. My favorite thing to thrift is by far blazers. I always seem to have the most luck with blazers and I rarely ever button mine also. I have, but just not as much.

  6. Great idea. A video guest blog!
