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Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Well, hello! I didn't get a chance to get into my birthday weekend, so here goes!

Whenever my birthday rolls around, I get super excited because I was raised in a household where we celebrated everything! Be it a birthday, anniversary, new job, good grade on a test...it was always a celebration. As a child, I was always expected to do well and be successful, so the celebrations were a bonus ;-)

This year was no different. I decided to spend the Saturday with my love and we went thrifitng, shopped some more and had a nice lunch. Then, we met up with my family and headed to Reston, VA for dinner. While there, we attended a pageant to support a few of my sisters friends and their families. All in all, it was a very nice day. I've said it many times on my blog before but, I am a simple girl. I adore my family and my fiance' so any chance I get to just be around them is fine with me.

Sunday, I took time to sit back and think of all the GREAT things that are coming up this year. I haven't shared this with my blog family but, I've made the decision to complete my B.A. degree at Morgan State University before I get married. The original date of the wedding was scheduled for December 30, 2012 but after much prayer and talking to my fiance', we've changed the date to May 26, 2013. This date is a week after my graduation which is so ironic. To close one chapter in my life one week and then begin another the next week seems crazy! But I honestly feel that this decision is the right one. Graduating and finishing undergrad before I say "I do" is something I am doing for me. And the fact that Darrius understands that and is motivating me makes me love him even more.

Not only will this give me a chance to finish what I've started, but it will allow Darrius and I to grow even more. Marriage is not something we plan on entering into lightly---the union of marriage is important to us. And I feel that once I have achieved my accomplishments, I can then focus on being married. I've seen too many people rush to get married because they're in love and in the end, they're unhappy and wish they'd taken more time to think things through. I don't want to end up like that. Yes, there will be issues and problems that we'll have to face; that's life. But if we work out the kinks and take our time now, a lot of issues will already be avoided.

With all that being said, I want to close by sharing my list of 10 goals I have for this year. Last year I did 25 things I wanted to do, but I realize that quality is more important than quantity. Also narrowing it down to 10 goals will give me a better chance to really focus of one goal at a time. After glancing at my list from last year (HERE), I can smile knowing that I can cross of a lot of things! 

1. Improve my Relationship with God
2. Receive my Undergrad Degree
3. Have a WONDERFUL and FUN time at our wedding
4. Save $$$ for our home
5. Focus on  Starting My Business 
6. Expand my Blog 
7.Live a Healthy Life
8. Take a Dance Class 
(I've always wanted to take a hip-hop class, LOL)
9. Give back to my community
10. Continue Living a PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE

Be blessed and TTYS!! 


  1. You're amazing! Great decision...I know God will bless you and Darrius greatly! :)


  2. So happy belated birthday! 26...huh? I remember when I was 26, it was that year I made big changes in my life. One being moving away from one state to another. Things will happen for you and your loved one...one step at a time. And you look beautiful!


    1. thanks, corie! i really appreciate that :-)

      i've been talking to a lot of ppl who tell me that 26 was a year of big changes for them as well. great things are in store for sure ;-)

  3. Your birthday passed? How did I miss shouting you out on Twitter! Or did I? I can't remember. lolol. Anywho, Happy belated Birthday!!!

    This is such an inspiring post and I'm so glad I read it. You gave me a lot to think about.

    See you tomorrow?

    1. thanks, vivi!!! and YES mam...you will see me tomorrow :-)

      thanks for reading ;-)

  4. Happy Belated doll! So happy for you :) I know that HE has great things in store for you :)

  5. Happy Belated birthday!

    Great goals I wish you the best in accomplishing them!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday! Congrats on deciding to finish school (especially at my alma mater. lol!). There's nothing more rewarding than setting goals and accomplishing them.

  7. Happy birthday!!
    I definitely admire your goals, and i hope this is a great year for you!
    Chic on the Cheap

  8. OK. So much to say! First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope this year is your best year ever!
    Second, CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding! I'm so excited for you. Love, true love, should always be celebrated. And what better way to do that than a wedding?! I wish you many years of bliss and joy.
    Third, CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN! I think you made the right decision to finish school first and then get married. Not that it's always best to finish school first, but it IS always best to finish being you (all by yourself) before you join yourself with another person. You made the ride decision for you. And that's the best thing you can do! So, congrats to that and to your B.A at Morgan State!
    Lastly, YOU CAN DO IT! I already know you can accomplish all of your goals. Just writing them down is the first step. Now, they'll all fall inline. That's part of the Purpose Driven Life (did you read that book, too!). And I know you'll be fine.

    All the best!
    Ashley GaGa

    1. ashley, thank you SO much for the encouraging words!! and yes; purpose driven life is one of my favorite books. i restarted reading it this week :-)

  9. Happy belated Birthday. It seems as if you are already moving in the right direction to meeting your goals. Keep god first and he will lead you.

  10. That cheetah printed dress looks fab on you, Nic, and i ove how you added a black tee in the second look! Great to know that you had a wonderful birthday and belated happy birthday dear!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  11. YAY! I am so proud of you and your desire for growth! There are so many things that God has in store for you. One tip: Do EVERYTHING with purpose and on on purpose!

  12. Great post Nic! So inspirational and motivating! I think it's amazing you are going back to school to finish.. Your a great role model to everyone who visits your page, including me. Thank you.

    xo Marie

  13. Happy Belated Birthday my love!!! I love this post. I am so proud of you that you are finishing your B.A.!!! Go head girl! And thats so awesome that your husband to be stands behind you. I love your list of 10 goals and I am sure that you are capable of reaching them. Love you and your blog hunny!! Take care.

    With love,

  14. Happy Belated Bday Nic I too had a very low key bday this year (mine was Tuesday) and loved it! Kudos to you for going back to school to complete your B.A. and doing what's right for you chica. Love the leo print dress and the different ways you styled it, you look fabu!

  15. Happy belated birthday Nic! So proud of you for going after your dreams and getting closer to God! love all the looks too :)


  16. Happy Belated Birthday! That is such a good goal to have before getting married, and it makes it so much better when the person you love is there to support you! I just changed my Master's program I was in and I now have to start from scratch...and I told my husband and he was SUPER supportive that helped me to know that I was making the right decision.

    Oh and we will have the same anniversary just different years...I got married May 26, 2012!

    1. thank you SO much; it means a lot to me :-) YAY for May 26 :-) best wishes to you in your masters program!!
