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Monday, July 30, 2012

Seeing Clearly

Hello friends, and welcome to yet another Monday. I'm not even going go on and on, talking about how quick the weekend went by because I am sure you ALL agree ;-) Regardless, I am thankful to see another week and I'm ready to start off on a great note.

Yesterday, my fiance' and I went to church and when I say the message was right on time I mean it. The topic was, "Do You Know Him (God) Like That?". The minister preached from Philippians 3:1-14 and although he focused on vs. 10, he broke down every verse which was AWESOME! He explained that materials things, degrees/education, money, family background, etc. mean NOTHING if you don't have God. After all, how do you think you got all of those 'things' and accomplished so much??? He also went onto say that in order to GAIN the great things God has in store for us, we must NOT be afraid to LOSE somethings/some people in our lives. It's all apart of God's plan so we are to trust HIM.

I really felt connected to the message and I left the church feeling like somethings that I've been wondering about were all made clear. I get it now, and I am not afraid to continue walking into my GREAT future. Somethings, habits, and people may be left behind but I truly believe what God says he will do will be done.

I didn't realize this post was going to be a testimony when I stared writing it but hey, that's how it goes sometimes. This message was on my heart and I felt compelled to share. I hope you all enjoyed and maybe it helped someone or made you at least think about how certain things in your life. Either way, be blessed and enjoy the pics below :-)


Dress: Gifted from my Mom
Tank: (under the dress) Target

Earrings: (borrowed) Mom's
Bracelet: (borrowed) Mom's

Curves Rock Weekend, Runway Show Recap Coming Up Next.....


  1. Preach Whitney!! Love this post! I loved that message that your pastor preached. It is very true. Sometimes as Christians we can lose faith and start to question God but he is the person who has brought us into great situations and taken us out of bad ones. Love Love your dress doll! And those earrings are too cute :)


  2. Sis! You are beautiful. Thank you for sharing the word you received from church yesterday. This was a tremendous amount of confirmation on some things in my life. Thank you!

  3. Thank you for sharing Nic!!

    Amberly D'Anna

  4. What a great message. Thank you for sharing it!

  5. Great word...don't you just love when you feel like the preacher is talking directly to you?!? That is a fabulous dress also.


    1. YES!! i felt like i was in the right place at the right time for sure :-) thanks!!

  6. ...and it a good testimony it was! Very cute church fit :)


  7. That's crazy how his message just ties into all the stuff going on with my job. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Great message. It all begins and ends with him.
    K at www.beautystyleandgrowth.blogspot.com

  9. This is a great message and a must read for all! I give this message everytime someone ask me why I'm happy and always smiling. I tell them because I have a great relationship with God and he leads me and watches over me. I learn lessons each time I do something right or wrong.

    Keep sharing this:) Tastefully SoSo

    1. thanks so much for the comment; i will share more posts like this for sure!

  10. The dress is so pretty!!!

    Yes that is a great message!! I have heard this saying many times before and I say it as well when it comes to letting some things/people go as God moves you higher, "there are just some people (things too) that aren't meant to go where God is taking you" so let go of those things/people and keep it moving!!

    Carsedra of:



    1. yes mam!! keep it movin'! thanks for commenting :-)

  11. Yes ma'am!! Materialistic things, jobs, money etc come and go but God will always be there. Great message! Cute dress hun!

    Nique {www.niqueinthemiddle.com}

  12. Oh wow you look stunning <3 x


  13. Thank you for sharing that message with us! Its true...nothing matters if we don't have God and only the things that we do for Christ will last!

    You look soooo pretty! I love that dress on you! For some reason your posts are not coming up in my google reader. I have to find out how to fix that.


    1. aww you're welcome! thank you for the compliment :-)

  14. I'm so guilty of sometimes holding on to things I know I should let go of. I needed this. Mom has great taste-the colors in this dress are so pretty.

