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Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend in Pictures

Hey everyone!! How was your Mother's Day Weekend?? I hope you were able to spend time with your mother's, grandmother's and/or any woman in your life whom you love & adore.

As I said in my last post, my weekend was pretty busy. Between a business breakfast/trade-show, lil sis' pageant, a graduation party, Mother's Day, ...I was just all over the  place. I'm sure if you follow me through other social media outlets, you can tell, LOL. Also, if you follow me on those other places, you know that my little sister walked away this weekend with another crown & title. She is the 1st Miss Miracles Sweetheart!!! I  tell ya, she is on a roll---she also won Best Resume. We are just so proud of her dedication and perseverance since she starting doing pageants last August. This title (Miss Miracles Sweetheart) was so important to her because it was a charity pageant. Taylor is so passionate about helping people, especially the senior citizens, that earning this title will allow her to help even MORE people in her community. Needless to say my mother was tickled pink that all this happen on Mother's Day Weekend. That was one of her fave gifts---seeing her daughter earn another title that she'd worked so hard for. (You can see more pageant goodies, HERE)

Speaking of Mother's Day, the fam and I enjoyed a DELICIOUS brunch and then went home and relaxed the rest of the afternoon/evening. That's exactly what Mom wanted to do so that's what we did ;-)

Enjoy the pics and I will be back to posting some outfits and whatnot later on in the week. Be blessed!!

PS Don't forget you can keep up with me via-Facebook, Twitter & Instagram too ;-)

Lil Sis receiving her certificate for the Best Resume

The "crowning moment"...isn't that crown GORGEOUS???!!

Smiles with the  hostess, Miss Baltimore (in red)

The lovely judges & the Miss Miracles "Sister-Queens" (winners)


Mother's Day Collage....My Ace, BFF, my Rock, My Mommy!!!

Ma James (grandmother) looking fllyyy in that (thrifted) hat...me, lil sis, and the fiance' purchased it for her b-day a few weeks ago :-)


  1. congrats to your lil sis:) you really had a great weekend!

  2. Congratulations to your sister!! She is such a pretty young lady!! And grandma is definitely wearing that hat, she looks great!!

    Carsedra of:



  3. Congrats to your lil sister!!!!! Granny got it going on!!!! :-)

  4. Aw such sweet pics Nic! And your little sis is adorable!


  5. Your little sis is the cutest, and she is easily the best dressed of the bunch.
    Chic on the Cheap

  6. Oh my goodness - your little sis is SO gorgeous! Sounds like a fabulous Mother's Day :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  7. Whoa.. You did have a busy run.. Sometimes that's how it is and we be all over the place. You and your mom could totally pass for sisters. It's nothing like a mother girl, I tell ya! And little sis just too cute for words. Taking titles already. Very nice.

    1. thanks!! and there is nothin' like a mom...so true ;-)

  8. wow..........amazing!!! :)



  9. What a wonderful weekend!! Your sister is adorable! I'm glad you had a great Mother's Day with your family.

  10. What a wonderful weekend!! Your sister is adorable! I'm glad you had a great Mother's Day with your family.

  11. Great post you and your mom are too cute! Congrats to lil' sis!
